be new:

To be thin is to be beautiful, to feel beautiful, to be happy, to be new. 新しいになります。 I hope, someday, to see myself as others see me, and to be as light and happy as the leaves that blow in the wind or a beautiful balloon drifting up into the clouds...

Hullo my little blueberry tea cups! ^__^ Thankyu for reading and being a part of my life. You help me so much. You give me more strength, determination, inspiration than if I were to be dealing with this alone and no one to speak of it to. I love and appreciate every one of you deeply! I hold each of you dear to my heart.


ps.- I do not teach or wish to inspire eating disorder for it is a sickenss, not something that can be learnt. Eating disorder midset is something one is cursed with that most likely progresses slowly over the years of one's life: appearing first as a simple diet, moving forward in the form of ednos, and possibly, sadly hitting many full on as anorexia/bulimia. If you do not agree with blogs or people that support the lifestyle of the eating disordered, please leave. This blog is not for you. Please do not judge me b'coz I support others through their difficultiesor b'coz I seek support myself, for we need friends and people to talk to about our problems just as you do. Please do not proceed to tell me what I am doing is wrong, I am unhealthy, I am going to die, I need to gain weight, etc. I know what I am and what I am doing, it is not for you or anyone to tell me. I mean no disrespect for any concern; however, gaining weight and simply eating will not help me. It will make me sicker by causing mental torments.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

i think water DOES have calories...

I entered a casual conversation with my coworker, centered around meats vs veggies/fruits and whether or not vegetarianism/veganism is or isn't stupid {as he so bluntly put it}. I am a pescetarian, I eat meat but sea meat haha! No land animal, be it four legs or two, a moo or a cluck will enter my mouth. Now, I am in it for a mixture've reasons. It is partially b'coz've animal cruelty and partially for health reasons b'coz I find I am much more energetic and less fatigued when I stay away from land meat. It is also proven that those who eat a majority of seafood, rather than land animal or fowl, live healthier and longer lives.

The animal cruelty reason as to why I only consume sea life is not b'coz they've to be killed to be eaten, but b'coz their lives are nothing like what it should be. Feed lot life and feeding livestock things they are not meant to eat {ie.- corn, other deceased animals, antibiotics} is not right in any way, shape or form. Not for the animals and not for the consumer.

Imagine an animal that we eat, say a cow. Now, imagine "her" standing in sectioned off pieces of land with 50 other cows. There is no grass, there are no trees, there are no flowers, all things that they need to thrive. There is just dirt. Dirt, mud, urine, fecies, and other bodily excrements. They stand, knee deep, in the toxic goo, exposing any wound they may encounter to infection by simply living. They eat kernels of corn and antibiotics each and every day, and it will kill them over a course of just a few years b'coz their bodies are not meant to live on corn alone. They will either die of their poor life, or die at the slaughter house. I believe that the slaughter house is the most humane thing these food companies do. I do not want to eat something that lived in such a nasty environment. {Perhaps that is why my body feels so groggy when I eat meat. And no one can say that is all in my mind; I did not know all I do now when I realised I felt different after eating a steak or meatloaf.}

Don't get me wrong, fruits, veggies and plant-based foods have their downs as well. It spreads to the vegetables and to the fruits. Unless they are labeled organic, it's a good chance what you're eating is the result of a lab experiment: genetically modified to withstand nasty chemical pesticides without dying. Not to mention all the waste that runs off from feed lots could potentially make it's way to the crops they usually grow nearby. Thus ecoli recalls on fruits and veggies as well. Why do they think there've been so many recalls? Recalls are a result of poor handling. The recalls on food items go up every year. It is worsening and no one is doing anything about it.

The food industry is extremely communistic and 90% of shoppers do not even know what goes on behind the scenes b'coz they trust their suppliers. It's a shame really; to be honoured with such an abundance of blind trust, only to take advantage of it, causing harm to animals and humans alike, bringing sickness that could be prevented, all for the sake of money; b'coz it is cheaper and brings them more money to do this half-assed {excuse my language}.

Back-tracking to the starting topic: vegetarianism, veganism, and pescetarianism are diets/lifestyles that are good for the body. They are in no way harmful unless done improperly: eating Oreos and doughnuts all day b'coz it is meat-free. We do not need as much protein as society would have us believe, milk is actually not good for your bones, and vitamins/minerals on a plant-based diet really isn't very hard to fulfill. The only vitamin I know of that is not found in plant-life is B12. I get my B12 from seafood and the vitamin enhanced almond milk that I add to my oatmeal.

They are sneaky with their labeling; trying to convince shoppers that their products are good for you, healthy. McDonald says they are seeing the light and trying to help people to be healthier and so they incorporated things like their oatmeal, yet they still have things like their 1200+ calorie big breakfast, which is more than a petite girl of below 5' would normally have in one day, let alone one sitting.

The most shocking fact I discovered from reading a packet of KFC "honey sauce". Toward the bottom of the packet it gave the ingredients which were something like: high fructose corn syrup, less than 7% honey... Disgusting. They added a man made chemical sugar that causes weight gain and major sugar spikes and dumbed down the natural goodness of what it is supposed to be. Why? It's cheaper and puts more money in their pocket. We really need to be careful of the honeys we purchase O.o some name brand labeled honeys are sneakily made up of high fructose corn syrup which ups the calories in the faux honey. Can you believe it!

Also my sister up in Oregon began teaching me of the hidden facts about food, such as 0 calorie labels! Some've them really aren't 0 calories! The 0 calorie butter and oil sprays, the 0 calorie diet sodas. Not really 0 calories! The food companies are not required to label anything under 1 calorie. That is why a bottle of 0 calorie diet Mt Dew can contradict itself. It says 0 calories for a serving, and yet it says 10 calories per bottle! Hidden calories! A bottle of 0 calorie butter spray actually has something like 800 or so calories O.o
I probably shouldn't be learning all this b'coz knowing me, I'll be adding calories to what any nutrition label says and counting my made up calories in water...oh wait, I do :P I don't trust anything. I mean, who's to say there're no calories in water? Sure, maybe pure rain water, but water manufactured in bottles or out've the soda fountain tap that runs through the same tap as Dr. Pepper? I don't think so. There's got to be some calorie in there that leeched itself from the other drinks around it. Especially soda fountain taps! Can't convince me that having both water and Dr. Pepper syrup conning out've the same tap won't add some calories to the water. I may not taste it, but I know it's there.

Okay, I'm done with my rant! Haha! I got a bit into this one! O.o


  1. I could never EVER eat feedlot or cage-raised meat. Thankfully our free-farmed poultry is labelled and even though I don't like eating pig we have a great free-range pig farm near us. All our beef and mutton is farm-raised. When looking at your meat industry I feel so lucky to be a New Zealander! I don't have to worry about swiftly decreasing fish stocks.

    Don't get me started on the fucking food industry or the fuzzy-marketing BS that is "organic" foods. I've done my research and I'm not buying into it's environmentally-friendly image. It's better for the environment and the soil quality of the paddocks to run a fertiliser truck over it two to four times a year VS four to sixteen times a year! The "organic" pesticides are also pretty dodgy in their ingreedients.

    Fuck, if I ever visited the USA I wouldn't be able to eat the food. I'd have to live on diet coke the whole time. Better make it a short trip if I get the balls to brave border security :(

    Sorry for the rant. I get really angry about customers falling for slick marketing and not using their brains :( It's a rantbutton I have >.< You use your brain and I like that.

  2. If I ever buy meat myself it's always free-range, or even better, from farms that I know and recognize, so I have seen that whatever I'm eating is in good conditions. I don't even buy farm-raised fish, ALWAYS wild-caught, then I know that there aren't. I don't eat pork.
    And in all honesty, I don't even really eat meat unless I'm with my boyfriend's family, or if he's made me something. I don't ask for it.
    It makes me so mad the way they treat us and the animals that they intend to feed us, you should look up a documentary called Food Inc.
    It scarred me for life, but it has a lot of good information and is very eye opening.


Thoughts and replys? ^__^