be new:

To be thin is to be beautiful, to feel beautiful, to be happy, to be new. 新しいになります。 I hope, someday, to see myself as others see me, and to be as light and happy as the leaves that blow in the wind or a beautiful balloon drifting up into the clouds...

Hullo my little blueberry tea cups! ^__^ Thankyu for reading and being a part of my life. You help me so much. You give me more strength, determination, inspiration than if I were to be dealing with this alone and no one to speak of it to. I love and appreciate every one of you deeply! I hold each of you dear to my heart.


ps.- I do not teach or wish to inspire eating disorder for it is a sickenss, not something that can be learnt. Eating disorder midset is something one is cursed with that most likely progresses slowly over the years of one's life: appearing first as a simple diet, moving forward in the form of ednos, and possibly, sadly hitting many full on as anorexia/bulimia. If you do not agree with blogs or people that support the lifestyle of the eating disordered, please leave. This blog is not for you. Please do not judge me b'coz I support others through their difficultiesor b'coz I seek support myself, for we need friends and people to talk to about our problems just as you do. Please do not proceed to tell me what I am doing is wrong, I am unhealthy, I am going to die, I need to gain weight, etc. I know what I am and what I am doing, it is not for you or anyone to tell me. I mean no disrespect for any concern; however, gaining weight and simply eating will not help me. It will make me sicker by causing mental torments.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

healthier version of ABC? modify by 300?

i defo want my but to look like this!
lets hope all those squats and pilates does the trick!

my tummy is GOING to be like this!!!
even if i have to die doing crunches for the rest of my life im not giving up!!!

this is so cute! reminds me of me and my doggie!

i talked to my mom today and told her about that im giving up red meat. i told her about all the abuse cows and pigs go through. she said she gave up chicken/eggs for a while once when she saw a video about how chickens are kept and how badly treated they are. she supports my decision fully :D YAY! ive support! she said its a good thing im doing and that it would be even better if id become vegetarian or pescetarian! i found out that back when i became vegan for a while when i was 12, it was mostly my dad who didnt like it, he's a control freak! and he had such a bad temper so my mom had to get on me about eating normally for fear of him getting upset. thats why i was stopped. i wish i could be completely vegetarian but i gess i cant...but im cutting out red meat and switching to soy milk! im also going to try to cut back on dairy and all meats in general beside fish/seafood :D im trying for pesco if i can! :D

you know, it sounds a bit silly but ive often thought about leaving a litto note within the pages of a novel written around the life of an ana girl. [skinny, the passion of alice, perfect, wintergirls, etc.] ive thought about saying something like:

"i am an anorexic with bulimic tendencies. if you are an ana girl as well, i know how you feel. its very lonely not having anyone to confide in or talk to about the daily struggles with food and self-hatred. i found a lovely blog comunity where i was accpeted among other girls like me. though i know none of them personally, i feel less alone. i suggest that you make a blog and find a community such as this. best of luck!
-your fellow thin wisher"

i also thought of putting my blog address but i dunno, that would be a bit scary to me...i just think of how horrible and alone i felt before i found you girls and of how many girls out there who have no one to turn to and feel that same way.

i really miss ABC! i know i only completed a week but it felt so good during that week. i felt control and i miss that. i wonder if it would still work if i fixed ABC to suit my low limit? im trying not to go any lower than 300 (from previously staying under 200) and no higher than 800 because that makes me feel disgusting. im thinking about modifying ABC by adding 300cal to every day so the calorie difference from day to day is the same as the original ABC. well with the exception of days: 9 and 31 which end up over 800. so what do you think, suggestions, ideas, opinions?? i can incorporate my grain diet into this version of ABC. here it is:

Day 1: 800 (or less)
Day 2: 800 (or less)
3: 600
4: 700
5: 400
6: 500
7: 600
8: 700
9: 800
10: 300
11: 450
12: 500
13: 700
14: 650
15: 550
16: 500
17: 300
18: 500
19: 400
20: 300
21: 600
22: 550
23: 500
24: 450
25: 400
26: 350
27: 400
28: 500
29: 500
30: 600
31: 800
32: 300
33: 550
34: 650
35: 750
36: 300
37: 800
38: 750
39: 700
40: 650
41: 600
42: 550
43: 500
44: 500
45: 550
46: 500
47: 600
48: 500
49: 450
50: 300

meal- 1/2 blueberry bagel: 130cal 3:05p
meal- 1/2 packet cream of wheat, 1 slice toast: 110cal 5:30p
meal- 1/2 packet cream of wheat: 50cal 8:30p
meal- 1/2 healthy choice meal: 130cal 11:15p
snack- ¾ Burger King strawberry shake: 220cal 11:45p (i know, i said no ice cream :P, but boyfriend bought it and it was fun! ^__^)

640cal total


  1. Great diet plan =] I wish I was strong enough to do something like that lol.

    the first girl kinda looks like she's choking the cat haha.

    Good luck, beauty =]

  2. this sounds good hun.
    I also Know how you feel. We all do. This community is our only outlet.

    Check out some healthy veggie recipes on google.

  3. Love the thinspo! I'm a new pescatarian too! I haven't had red meat in 43 days :) I know you can be even stronger!!

    Good luck!

  4. oh man . . . i love blueberry bagels! I am going to live vicariously through you and pretend it was i who consumed it. if i buy bagels, i'll eat them all in like 2 days! haha.

    i'm looking for some good ana books to read that aren't too juvenile. which is your fave?

    and, speaking of pilates (as you were at some point, i believe, lol), have you ever done any pilates DVDs? if so, any suggestions?

  5. my dad worked at one of those mass producing chicken "farms" when he was younger (like back in the 70's lol) and he said he couldnt eat meat for years after working there because the chickens were kept two in each tiny cage and that they never got out, and they grew so fast and so big that they couldnt stand up. he said when they would reach in to pull the chickens out of the cages (when it was time to kill them) their little legs would snap in half because the opening wasnt big enough. i still have trouble eating chicken years after hearing his stories. i just wish i was strong enough to not eat anything that bleeds.

    on a lighter note however i like your idea of leaving little messages in books.
    i once left a few of my pubes in one of my enemies school dont know what i was hoping the outcome would be from that.... maybe her being so scarred from seeing a mound of little curly hairs in chapter 7 that she would move away forever?... maybe them exploding out in a great big POOF and somehow landing in a five o-clock shadow on her face?... i dont know, the teenage mind works in mysterious ways :P

    stay strong


Thoughts and replys? ^__^