i keep smelling things like spaghetti, pizza, cookies, pasta and its so fucking annoying! sometimes i feel like i can taste it O.o i dont understany why. theres nothing even cooking or baking. its been happening for months and i never thought anything about it but now its happening everyday and it sets off my binge brain O.O but im staying strong. i will not lose to food today. i almost binged a whole can of cookies last night.
i told xxx "i really wanna eat those cookies on the fridge downsatirs."
he said "well go ahead, why dont you?"
"cuz theyre not opened, i dunno whose they are."
a few minuets later he goes downsatirs and i was hoping that he'd bring them up as a thoughtful boyfriend thing like he usually does, but lucky me, he didnt, phew. i almost ruined my control streak...theres like 3 of them, unopened, those royal dutch or whatever ones in the blue can, uggg. i have to stay in control! stop smelling, stop thinking. i did so well yesterday and the day before i dont want to let it go now! just one day, i can do it, fruits...and veggies, fruits and veggies, fruits, veggies, fruits, veggies, fruitsveggiescookiesfruitsveggiesfruitsveggies, i can do it. i will do it! there is no failure today because i am strong and in control and i will be alice in thinland! i will look like the girls in my alice corner! i will be thin and happy! i will reach 80, i will!
you are doing soo well dont give up. you can do this. you will not think or smell food. think summer. think thin.